Austrian Perl Workshop 2006 roundup

domm on 2006-06-11T18:42:54

The workshop started with the customary pre-workshop meeting, this year taking place in Ronahi, a nice turkish/arabic restaurant / lounge with good and cheapish food, free WLAN and too soft sofas. Juerd found us after some problems with Austrian streen numbering, and we had interesting chats on Perl and other topics.

Thursday June 8, 2006

I started the workshop with CPAN and its tools (which I'll also do at YAPC::Europe (in english, of course)), followed by maks on how he converted a twisted maze of shell scripts to a Perl-powered Website announcing Physic Talks in Vienna.

We continued with another Max and a talk on yet another web framework called webtek. When he started with saying that he didn't use CPAN modules for it but wrote everything from scratch, I thought "Oh no!", but what he showed us convinced me that it's good to reinvent wheels from time to time. They do get better sometimes... With some more work (and maybe the possibility to plug in certain CPAN modules (TT)) webtek could be a competitor to Ruby on Rails. It's way less flexible than Catalyst, which can be an advantage, as Catalyst has a steep learning curve.

Next up was koki with some tipps on how to speed up Apache-based applications. He covered quite a lot of topics (mod_perl, Profiling, SQL Query Optimisations etc) in his usual funny way. For lunch most of went to a nearby chinese restaurant, where we where blinded by the suddenly bright sun and the very reflective tables outside.

Juerd continued afterwards with a one-hour introduction to Perl 6 titled "Simply Perl 6". Even though I knew most of what he said, it was interesting - especially for most of the audience, who isn't that much exposed to Perl 6.

Afterwards, I did an talk on Module::Build I quickly hacked together on Wednesday (which worked quite well, as I was thinking about this talk for the last month, as I should introduce my co-workers to Module::Build and deployment of code in an in-house mini-workshop soonish). Afterwards, as we had no scheduled programme, I showed interested people a bit of DBIx::Class/Catalyst (with the CPANTS site as an example) and we talked about pros and cons of using ORMs, frameworks and the like.

After more chatting some of us headed to the Speakers Dinner, taking place at 'der Wiener Deewan', a nice little pakistani restaurant with interesting pricing ("pay as you wish").

Friday June 9, 2006

Again I was first with a talk on SVK. Then Clifford did his SPL feature show, followed by two talks by Leo on Parrot. I especially liked the gestures Leo did during explaing the bootstrapping "problem" (The Perl 6 Grammer written in Perl 6 regex, parsed by Perl 6 to produce Perl 6...).

After lunch, Philipp showed me and a few others an interesting tool he wrote: fsvs. It's based on subversion and you can use it to version your home dir. Or /etc/. Or even / - very nifty!

Karlheinz showed us how he made an interesting website called If your interested in Chess, played some 'official' tournaments and want to check out, how close you came to beating Garry Kasparov, check out the site!

Juerd did a short talk on Perl 6 Myths and a very interesting introduction to Perl 6 Object Orientation. I found his explanations on attributes vs properties and roles vs inheritance very enlightning.

We than auctioned off the books and t-shirts we got from O'Reilly. I bought a copy of Perl Hacks (not only because I'm featured in it, but because it's a good book (perldoc -l Foo::Bar is just brilliant, BTW)

After some more chatting, we slowly dissolved out of the venue (thanks to Kapsch CarrierCom for hosting the workshop) and I headed home, quite exhausted but satisfied.

Thanks to all speakers and attendees, I hope to meet you all again next year!

perldoc -l Foo::Bar

mr_bean on 2006-06-12T00:42:00

Why is perldoc -l Foo::Bar fantastic? I see it gives you the path of Foo/

I use perldoc -m Foo::Bar sometimes. It opens the file itself in my pager, rather than rendering the pod. Then I can open my editor on it, to give syntax highlighting.

But I can't save any changes I make to the file. Even if I am root when I run perldoc.

Re:perldoc -l Foo::Bar

chromatic on 2006-06-12T03:33:46

It's easy to find out where you're getting a module, if you have upgraded your system Perl and have modules in several locations.

It's nice to be able to copy a module to your personal library path to make some quick debugging modifications.

I prefer reading source code in Vim to less as perldoc -m uses on my system.

Re:perldoc -l Foo::Bar

Dom2 on 2006-06-12T13:08:14

This is simpler still:
  alias vimpm='PAGER=vim perldoc -m'


Re:perldoc -l Foo::Bar

domm on 2006-06-12T14:21:51

and fits nicely with Hack #4...

yay, command line golf!

Re:perldoc -l Foo::Bar

chromatic on 2006-06-12T17:28:22

Make that -mi and I have a new alias. Thank you.

Re:perldoc -l Foo::Bar

domm on 2006-06-12T07:48:53

As chromatic said, I've got several different versions of Perl installed, plus several other dirs containing modules that I do not want to search when I'm trying to locate a module.

You can use sudo vim `perldoc -l Foo::Bar` to open an installed module for editing (but only do this if you know what you're doing)

And I just didn't know that perldoc -l -m existed. It's so much easier than doing locate Foo/