
domm on 2006-06-01T12:53:04

This week the annual big Linux Event is taking place in Vienna: Linuxwochen.

I already did two talks, on on svk and one on a funny IRC hack pepl and I started during German Perl Workshop. (slides are german...)

I'll have a Perl6 talk tomorrow - 20 minutes is hardly enough to cover even a small bit of Perl6, so I'll show bits of code and invite people to the Austrian Perl Workshop, where Juerd will do a much better job of explaining Perl6.

Oh, and I've agreed to participate in something called Hacktivity, which seems to be a geeky version of the board game Activity - only we play it on a stage and have to humiliate us in front of hundreds of people. Well, I'm used to it.

My schedule was very tight the last few weeks, with a bit of CPANTS heckling, $work (hitting quit hard - I now have to implement a SMS connenction based on SMTP, so I had quite a lot of SMS-Specs to read. Me hates binary encodings..), kids (Barbara had to finish a proposal for a stipendium) - oh, and the Perlworkshop is happending next week.

Thankfully there's some holiday on Monday (some catholic thing called 'Pfingsten' - don't ask me), which might be a good oppertunity to catch some sleep. OTOH, tomorrow there's a concert of Attwenger how are one of the best Austrian bands and usually do great live shows. Hmm...