
domm on 2006-04-02T19:45:49

Yesterday evening, Barbara an I went to a privat concert of a Viennese band (Monomania). It was (mostly) unplugged (only the bass was plugged in) (because it took place in an appartment on the third floor of an "altbau" in the middle of Vienna, with lots of "Anrainer" around (who usually call the police if you dare to make some noise)). It was very nice & funny. One of the best parts was when "die Ter" played a nearly Jimmy-Hendrix-like solo on a very small xylophone.

One of the greates benefits of small, unplugged concerts is that you don't suffer from a constant high-pitched noise in your ear after the show.

Oh, and the drummer ('der Tom') used a very funny box instead of a drum kit (which would have been way to loud). It was basically a plywood box with some metal stuff in it (like the stuff on the lower side of a snare drum). He played it with his hands while sitting on the box - and it sounded just like a regular drum kit, only not so loud. I want one, too!

On the way back home we passed the new Fluc, which had it's grand re-opening that night (even though they're not really finished). As it was 3am, we didn't went in, even though they played "You gotta fight tAAtAA for your right to paaaaaaartyyyyy" very loud...