I finally found some tuits to work on CPANTS again. As the previous implementation had some drawbacks, I started from scratch, and from another direction.
I just uploaded Module::CPANTS::Analyse to CPAN. MCA contains most of the previous Kwalitee indicators and some code to check if one distribution tarball conforms to those indicators. It also includes a script calls cpants_lint.pl
which is basically a frontend to the module.Example:
~$ cpants_lint.pl path/to/Foo-Bar-1.42.tgz Checked dist Foo-Bar-1.42.zip Kwalitee rating 15/16 Here is a list of failed Kwalitee tests and what you can do to solve them: * has_changelog Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.
With Module::CPANTS::Analyse you can now check Kwalitee before uploading to CPAN. Test::Kwalitee should be easly doable now. I will add some more Kwalitee indicators soon, and then start to look for a new server (I start a new job in February so I won't be able to use my old dev-box for this).
Re:spelling joke
domm on 2006-01-30T06:47:58
germanism, I guess. It's 'analysieren' in german.