what an eventfull summer...

domm on 2005-08-24T12:58:13

There was so much going on in the last months...

  • Stas Beckman visted Vienna for a short (well, long (from ~21:00 until 01:00)) mod_perl talk. He stayed at my place, but his plane left rather early and I had an appointement, so we didn't get to too much non-mod_perl-chatting.
  • There was the summer-party of Samos Kindergruppe (something like kindergarden, but nicer) at an old castle (more of an ruine) which involved several drunk parents singing songs found in an boyscout songbook around the campfire.
  • Next day we attended the wedding of friends. Nice food and nice location (a château south of Vienna)
  • Then we went to Holland for two weeks of camping hollidays. We stayed two days in Arnhem at Mark Overmeers place (very interesting zoo and open-air mueseum), 5 days on Terschelling and 5 days in Haarlem. It was very nice and interesting, and even though the weather wasn't that good most of the time, we managed some swimming and getting sunburnt.
  • There was another week of preperations to buy a new appartment (appointments with lawers, banks, builders, etc)
  • Then I was invited to a weeklong so-called Software-Sprint (more of a hack-a-thon than a sprint..). It was very interesting and exhausting. But we (parasew and me) managed to implement a Catalyst-based prototype in a short enough time to settle the decision what language to use (sorry, PHP ..)
  • Afterwards $job hit very hard. Still recovering...
  • Oh, and today we signed to contract to buy our new appartment. Yay! We'll have to sign another contract with our bank on Monday, and will recive the keys one week later. Moving is scheduled in late October/early November, as we need to rennovate the appartment a bit.

Still todo: clean up bathroom, write some slides.


mary.poppins on 2005-08-24T17:29:44

Oh, and today we signed to contract to buy our new appartment. Yay! We'll have to sign another contract with our bank on Monday, and will recive the keys one week later. Moving is scheduled in late October/early November, as we need to rennovate the appartment a bit.

Congratulations! Dweller control of housing is so important.

I hope you have a lot of fun setting it up the way you want.