Advanced Perl Programming, Holidays, No CPANTS news

domm on 2005-07-11T14:27:07

Advanced Perl Programming

Today I recevied my copy of Advanced Perl Programming. Yay! It's the first book featuring my name in it (page XIII). Double-Yay!!

As I did some tech-review I already know parts of the book, but I'm still looking forward to reading all of it - on paper.


We'll go to Holland this year, for two weeks of camping (and two days at MarkOvs place).

No CPANTS news

Due to various time-consuming things happening in the past weeks / in the next weeks (illness, Perl Workshop, $job, $other_job, holidays, buying an appartment) I didn't find any time to spend on CPANTS. THough I got various interesting questions / feedback / etc. CPANTS will get enough attention in August though, so I can deliver a good talk at YAPC::Europe.