Last week, my younger son got ill. Just a bit, but enough to cause some stress during APW. On the weekend, my older son got ill. He's got hit worse with angina and missed two days of his week-long school trip. On Monday, my girlfriend got ill, also angina. And on wednesday, I had a certain rough feeling in my throath...
So I went to the doctor, got some antibiotica, went to bed and had a very bad night. But the next day was even worse. I had up 39.9 degrees fever. Despite antibiotica... I took some other drugs to fight the fever, which worked a bit, but wasn't really sustainable.
I went to the doctor again, who sent me to the hosiptal. They couldn't decide if I sufferd from a heavy angina or Mononucleosis and told me to come again the next day. So I did.
But even on the next day (today, BTW), they couldn't decide, so they took some of my blood for some tests. Which turned out negative. Which doesn't mean anything, as the test results might change in a week (sucky tests...). So I have to go there again on Monday. We'll see...
Anyway, I haven't got fever anymore (big shoutouts to Fleming, Chain and Florey!!). I still have a sore throat and can't do to much besides watching TV (which is no fun thanks to Formula 1 and some football event in Germany). I probably won't do any Perl-releated stuff for the next few days. I'm dreading the big pile of work at $job. Enough for now, I'm tired etc...
Re:fishnets revenge?
cog on 2005-06-18T18:31:33
Ok, you were asking for it:-)
Get well soon:-)