
domm on 2005-03-09T07:48:50

At $WORK, I'm the only developer. In fact, I'm the whole development department, doing everything from coding to trying to get specs from "customers" (customers are mostly other people at $WORK who need a CMS or some webapp).

While this results in a lot of freedom, it is also annoying from time to time, as I have to decide on importance of projects and on what to implement first etc on my own. I spend a larger amount of time each year juggling projects, TODO-lists and timeslots for various tasks.

One result of this is that our main application framework lacks docs and tests. Completly. Which is obviously bad. So yesterday I took two hours off and decided to slow down development of new sites in favour of documenting and testing the framework. I'll probably throw in some refactoring as I go... My next milestones are:

  • 100% POD Coverage by 18th March.
  • 75% Test Coverage by 8th April.

I just hope there'll be no 'emergency tasks' that spoil my schedule.