Some Patches...

domm on 2004-09-03T19:21:09

... but not of the software kind:

  • The day before yesterday I had a flat back tyre on my bicyle. So I dismatled it, carried it up to my appartment, and applied a patch to the tube (the 9th one!). As I'm currently maintaining four bikes (mine, my girlfriends, and those of my kids), I'm quite fast with it, at it was hardly any work. The most annyoing part was trying to get my hands clean afterwards...
  • Yesterday I tore a pocket of my trouser (it got stuck somewhere on the bicylces child seat). I didn't realise it until my keys fell through the hole today, so in the evening I took the trouser, a needle and some thread and fixed the (security) hole.

Oh, all of this talking of patches etc remindes me of the patches Schwern sent me for Module::ExtractUse and which I should really integrate...


nicholas on 2004-09-03T22:13:09

Isn't your older son (I forget his name, sorry) now old enough to be capable of learning how to fix bikes? Then you could delegate this job. Or does he charge too much? :-)


domm on 2004-09-03T22:46:41

Oh, good idea!

Josh should definitly be able to do this kind of work. To bad that he got a new bike in spring which hopefully won't need fixture in the next time...

But if it does, I'll make him "help" me (and tell him who's great idea this was... :-).

And as he's planning to buy the big Lego Hogwarts set tomorrow, he might need some pocket money and might be rather cheap (Oh, the joys of capitalism/supply-and-demand!)