I finally started a new CPANTS run yesterday evening, after adding some features (check for POD errors, check for the mysterious NINJA-files)
Data as available as a SQLite file here, or grab Module::CPANTS::asHash from CPAN (if you prefere using a 15MB Hash for data munging...)
Here's some data:
sqlite> select kwalitee_abs,count(kwalitee_abs) from cpants group by kwalitee order by kwalitee;
kwalitee_abs count(kwalitee_abs)
------------ -------------------
0/9 30
1/9 1
2/9 1
3/9 13
4/9 40
5/9 97
6/9 156
7/9 628
8/9 2236
9/9 3145
This shows that the overall kwalitee of CPAN is quite good (but currently there are only a few metrics). 84.8% have one or no flaw. The 30 dist with no points are mostly gziped scripts by TOMC.
There are 1219 dist (12%) with POD-Errors (according to Pod::Simple). Here are the top-ten POD-error dists:
sqlite> select errors,dist from pod where errors>0 order by errors desc limit 11;
error dist
----- -------------------------------
390 perl5.00402-bindist04-msvcAlpha
334 Bio-MAGE-20020902.6
147 libintl-perl-1.08
110 Win32-GUI-0.0.558
99 Graph-0.20101
99 CGI-Bus-0.56
85 UDPM-0.88
74 PDF-API2-0.3r77
54 psh-1.8
54 Apache-mod_perl_guide-1.31
40 Pod-XPath-1.00