domm on 2003-12-08T15:44:37

After finishing a new version of Module::CPANTS::Generater, I actually ran it on all CPAN dists. The result is available as Module-CPANTS-asHash-0.20031208 from CPAN. Additionally, there's a SQLite DB you can get form here: or from CPAN:

Here are some interesting results / metrics:

sqlite> select kwalitee,count(kwalitee) as cnt from cpants group by kwalitee order by kwalitee;

kwalitee cnt ---------- ---------- 0 30 0.125 1 0.25 7 0.375 32 0.5 91 0.625 94 0.75 390 0.875 1815 1 3880

sqlite> select requires,count(requires) as cnt from prereq group by requires order by cnt desc limit 10; requires cnt ---------- ---------- Test::More 651 Carp 171 DBI 161 File::Spec 140 Data::Dump 138 LWP::UserA 124 Storable 110 Digest::MD 108 XML::Parse 88 Test::Simp 80

sqlite> select count(dist) from flaws where no_version=1; 23

(argh, I couldn't get the preformatted text to work without setting everything to 'code')

UPDATE: Added URL for cpants.db.gz (SQLite) on CPAN

That's really

hfb on 2003-12-08T21:39:01

cool :)