Friday Trivia #17

djberg96 on 2002-08-30T13:14:45

It's Friday Trivia Time! It's time for a wargaming question. I just played this one last week, so here it goes.

What classic (and out of print) boardgame has such notable features as Natilly Woods, Unamit Ahazredit, Gygax Dragonlord, The Hill of Avalon, The Stream of Consciousness and Aardvark Wallow? - Oops. I forgot to mention the Killer Penguins as well. :)

No Google. Good luck!

Answer: Swords & Sorcery. No one wins.


jjohn on 2002-09-03T15:38:31

Never heard of Swords and Socery, but I may have seen it in stores. A quick google search shows that "Swords and Socery" is a popular title for unrelated games and activities. Who knew?


djberg96 on 2002-09-03T23:48:21

Never heard of Swords and Socery, but I may have seen it in stores.

It's out of print, so I doubt it. On the off chance that you do see it and it's reasonably priced - buy it.