Today I got my first question about scp and OS390. The question actually had nothing whatsoever to do with Net::SCP::Expect, but hey, who's counting?
What I know about OS390 can be summed up thusly: diddly-squat, nada, zilch, zippo, nichts, nothing!
He also screwed up my name (Berg instead of Berger). Sigh...
Don't feel too badly. Many people who've known me for a long time call me John instead of Joe. Also, my last name 'Johnston' is often shortened to 'Johnson'. I don't bother to correct people anymore. There are many worse things to be called than "John Johnson."
Re:name screw ups
jdavidb on 2002-08-22T20:16:14
Used to me amaze me that every few months I'd discover another friend I'd known for years putting my name down in print as "Jay David." The "J." is for "John."