Obscure references in cartoons (bonus trivia)

djberg96 on 2002-08-19T13:50:51

As most of you know by now, I'm a trivia fan. Saturday morning, while lounging in front of the TV while eating my "Star Wars" cereal, I came across a particular cartoon and decided to watch a few minutes.

The plot, if I may be so bold, was that a good guy and a bad guy had been magically shrunken and were now inside the head of some big, dumb guy. Whilst still inside his nose, another character, not realizing they were in the big, dumb guy's head, invoked the counter-spell to bring the shrunken characters back to full size. When he realized his mistake, he mentioned that the spell couldn't be undone.

At this point a young, female character screams, "Oh, no! You mean he's gonna go scanner on us?!".

Now how many kids watching this show do you think got *that* reference?*

*The reference, boys and girls, is to the 1981movie Scanners, in which a man's head is telepathically blown apart. Admittedly, there have been several sequels.


lachoy on 2002-08-19T15:40:10

I saw this movie again a few months ago and was surprised at how horrible it was. I hadn't seen it in 15 years or so and I guess my tastes have changed a wee bit -- teenagers are so easily impressed by exploding heads :-)