Lightning Talks

djberg96 on 2002-07-17T23:25:05

I've proposed two lightning talks for the Ruby Conference this year. One is a secret, and the other is about CPAN and how Rubyists need to go there and shamelessly plagiarize work that others have already done. I needed to come up with a catchy title so...

In a shameless attempt to boost my attendance, I proposed "Free Beer" as the first option, "Live Nude Girls" as the second, "Free Beer and Live Nude Girls" as the third, and some boring title with "CPAN" in it somewhere as the fourth. Wouldn't you know they took the fourth one? Lame.*

* If you actually believe this story, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you...

Better yet

petdance on 2002-07-18T15:31:56

Better yet, how about just "Free Nude Girls"?

It sounds like a political movement, for that matter. Never mind Mumia, free the nude girls!