Friday Trivia #6

djberg96 on 2002-06-14T13:35:39

It's Friday. That means it's Trivia Time! I've been doing movie questions recently, so how about a book question this week? This is probably too easy for this crowd, but we'll see.

According to Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42.

For 50 trivia points, what is the name of the computer that gives us this answer?

Good luck!

UPDATE: 5 minutes after posting... - We have a winner! 50 trivia points go to jweveland!

BONUS QUESTION: For 25 trivia points, what is the name of the computer in the sci-fi horror flick Alien?

No Google - good luck!

UPDATE: 15 minutes after posting bonus question... We have a bonus question winner! lachoy wins 25 trivia points!

I'll have to make this harder next week. :)


jweveland on 2002-06-14T13:44:04

Deep Thought...


lachoy on 2002-06-14T14:24:45

Is the Alien computer name Mother?