More reasons to hate Solaris

djberg96 on 2002-04-10T16:13:52

One person submitted that they were have problems with OpenSSH 3.1 and my Net::SCP::Expect module. So, I decide what the heck, I'll upgrade my openSSH (from 2.9).

What do I discover? Installing this module now requires several other modules and, in order to use ssh, you must have an entropy daemon running (prngd).

WTF? The manual actually suggests manually inserting it into your init file, because it ain't gonna work if that daemon ain't running. Holy F@#$@# Hell, I knew Solaris sucked but I actually have to run a separate daemon to make ssh work? How the hell did it work before? Well, it broke my module, so I guess I get to work that out now as well, since scp seems to work from the command line.

Suck, suck, SUCK!!!

9 will have /dev/random

hfb on 2002-04-10T18:49:50

but in the meantime you can use and configure openssh to use it instead...Solaris used to be like the bare model of sportscar that you'd buy and then add on a lot of features and nowadays they even throw in the side mirrors and buttwarmers at no extra charge! :)