More books

djberg96 on 2002-03-15T16:15:18

I decided to order a bunch o' books today. They are:

  • Writing Apache Modules With Perl and C (ORA)
  • Professional Apache (Wrox)
  • Programming Web Services with XML-RPC (ORA)
  • Apache Pocket Reference (ORA)

A while ago while tinkering with Apache, I didn't much like the ORA book on Apache, so that's why I went with the Wrox book, which looked good.

Most of these purchases are to help me dive headlong into mod_perl. :)


jjohn on 2002-03-15T18:14:52

I hope you like the XML-RPC book. I'd appreciate any feedback you have on it. Send your mail to


djberg96 on 2002-03-15T18:31:57

That's you? :-O

It should be interesting. In addition to getting a better grip on web services, I also plan on shamelessly plagiarizing whatever parts I need for a revamped version of Penguin. :)


gizmo_mathboy on 2002-03-16T05:13:31

I've liked what I've read so far. I've only read 2 or 3 chapters but I think I have the feel for XML-RPC.

Of course I'm trying to read about a dozen technical books at the moment. I've also been trying to inhale as much RPC/SOAP/Web Services info as possible. I'm even rolling through the "Programming Jabber" book.

So far all have been great and the XML-RPC book was a great start for O'Reilly in that arena.

mod_perl stuff

geoff on 2002-03-15T20:10:52

depending on where you hang out, you may either be tired of hearing about it or entirely unaware, but there's another book on the mod_perl front that might be able to help you get on your way: people have been telling us it complements the Eagle book nicely, which was the idea.

Re:mod_perl stuff

djberg96 on 2002-03-15T20:55:28

Oh, hey - thanks! I'd heard of it but forgot about it. I'll probably order it, too.

Re:mod_perl stuff

gizmo_mathboy on 2002-03-16T05:11:03

I've had the Eagle for awhile now but only recently started doing some serious mod_perl work.

It took me some time to get into the groove on its layout but I'm starting to like it.

As for the mod_perl cook book (recently purchased) I've only read a few chapters and skimmed the rest. So far I would say that it lives up to the billing of being a complement to the Eagle.

Re:Eagle book

jjohn on 2002-03-17T22:05:13

I too found the Eagle book unaccessable until I *had* to do mod_perl stuff and THEN the book made a whole lot more sense. The problem, I think, is that mod_perl is really just perl hooks into Apache. This means that mod_perl is just another way of programming Apache, so you need to understand Apache before using mod_perl to its fullest. That's the part that I got hung up on anyway.

Re:Eagle book

djberg96 on 2002-03-18T01:56:45

That's the reason I ordered an Apache book at the same time, as I pretty much knew that going in. The thought of learning Apache doesn't thrill me; it's usually something that I'd rather leave to sys-admins (and often *must* be left to the sys-admins).

At the end of the day, though, it's a good skill to have, especially in lieu of the fact that so many prospective employers want to see mod_perl experience on a resume'.