The latest "security update" from Microsquish has broken Morpheus under Win2k pro. It's possible the WS2_32.dll file was corrupted, so I'll try and replace it, but I'm not holding out much hope.
The latest ATI driver has broken my TV app. I can get picture, but no sound. Under 98, I get sound, but everyone sounds like they're on helium.
I went out and bought a 7200 rpm, 40 GB drive today. I'm sick of not having enough space with my 12 GB drive. This will also let me have the four different operating systems I want - Windows 2000, Windows 98, Linux and BeOS. Maybe I'll even make a small partition for Atheos and see how I like that OS. Plus, it'll be a little faster, with the better access time.
I finally rented Memento today. I really liked it. Creative and original.
Re:Memento - just a tad overrated methinks...
koschei on 2002-02-19T03:11:05
So what didn't you like? Only the hype? =)Re:Memento - just a tad overrated methinks...
vek on 2002-02-19T04:12:39
Yep, probably the hype actually. On second thoughts I think I jumped the gun by saying I didn't like it. It was ok, but just ok, nothing more, nothing less...