Visual Perl

djberg96 on 2002-01-31T16:02:08

I just installed Visual Studio .NET Beta 2 yesterday (I paid the $12), along with ActiveState's Visual Perl plugin.

As much as I hate to admit it, this is an effing sweet piece of software. The debugger worked well. Complex data structures can be collapsed and expanded ala ptkdb. On top of that, you can collapse and expand data structures *in your source code while your editing*. Now *that* is cool.

In addition, it can do sql, xml, html and a bunch of other stuff. I haven't figured out how to configure the version control yet (maybe you can't in this beta), but otherwise it seems to have pretty good support for projects, etc.

I raised the resolution on my screen so I could get more real estate within the IDE, but other than that, I don't have any complaints.

If I were in a MSWindows-only shop, I'd definitely get my boss to shell out the money for this and ASPN Perl.