Set::String hijacked

djberg96 on 2004-11-27T19:07:42

It seems that "Tels" has hijacked Set::String for the moment. Nope, I never gave it up. I tried emailing the guy, but he won't accept emails without jumping through some gpg hoops. I'm not going to jump through his hoops (especially since I don't have it on my windows box).

Instead I've applied for registration of Set::String, Set::Array, and Set::Hash. I also attempted to re-upload Set::String 0.03, but I'm not sure if it worked.



sky on 2004-11-27T21:19:22

What do you mean hijacked? When I tell to install it it tries to install D/DJ/DJBERG/Set-String-0.03.tar.gz and I am doing it off FUNET.

I suspect you are talking about to which has a long standing problem in that it totally ignores the PAUSE ownership/security information and just displays the latest upload of a given module. CPAN allows multiple uploads of a given module, but the official package list which the CPAN shell uses will only point to one (which must be one of the owners of the package or co-mainters). So if you want to confuse people, upload your own DBI. All CPAN shell users won't notice but everyone who uses will get yours.


djberg96 on 2004-11-27T22:27:58

Ah, ok. I wasn't sure if it was a PAUSE issue or issue. Still highly annoying, but thanks.

Meanwhile on P5P...

bart on 2004-11-28T02:34:54

I see in the summary of P5P that Tels is mentioned in the same breath as Set::Object. There just must be a connection.

Re:Meanwhile on P5P...

djberg96 on 2004-11-28T13:02:24

I'm not sure what your point is exactly. In any case, if the only difference he had was in the algorithm why not submit a patch to an existing module instead of creating a new one?

Re:Meanwhile on P5P...

bart on 2004-11-28T17:03:53

I mean that if you fail to contact him, you can find him, and the reason behind it, on P5P.