Adrenaline Pumpers

djberg96 on 2004-11-18T14:52:58

While intelligent music is great, sometimes I just want to listen to something that gets the blood flowing in the morning. Here are some (of many) that do it for me:

  • Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC
  • Kickstart Your Heart - Motley Crue
  • Back in the Saddle - Aerosmith
  • Fight for Your Right to Party - Beastie Boys
  • Lit Up - Buckcherry
Got any favorites?

Adrenaline Rush

CromeDome on 2004-11-18T15:05:31

Du Hast and Kuss Mich from Rammstein are also good morning blood-pumpers. I don't understand much of what those Germans are singing about, but the music is enough to get me going ;)

Re:Adrenaline Rush

barbie on 2004-11-18T17:49:18

The latest Rammstein album is pretty full of tunes to wake you up. Although my personal favourites from the band are Adios and Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen? :)

I don't understand much of what those Germans are singing about

I'm glad you didn't mention Bück dich then ;)

All their lyrics are online, but I suspect that might spoil the songs if you discover what they're really about.

The Hawk

phillup on 2004-11-18T15:28:15

I don't know how long you've been in Colorado (you are in CO aren't you?), but there used to be a radio station called "The Hawk" that played "classic rock". I think they were an independent station. This meant they could play good music, instead of the crap that you have to pay stations to play.

Unfortunately, playing good music doesn't seem to be a viable economic model for a radio station.

Pretty much anything they played was good for me. The music you listed was all on the play list...

(I lived in CO for almost 20 years. 12 in the Denver metro area, 8 on the west slope.)

A Career Of It

chaoticset on 2004-11-18T16:14:17

Pretty much anything Rob Zombie writes falls into the same category, as far as I can tell.

Generally, my playlists for FPS-ing are made up of nothing but techno and hard Zombie. Big thumbs-up for American-Made Music To Strip By, which consists of remixes of Zombie tunes.

My Current Four

vek on 2004-11-18T16:32:28

I have many such songs. My current four are:

Nitzer Ebb - Getting Closer
Wumpscut - Flangegod
Apoptygma Bezerk - Kathy's Song (Victoria Mix)
Sisters Of Mercy - Lucretia My Reflection

Today's faves

runrig on 2004-11-19T03:41:54

I was listening to 103.1 again (I'm starting to feel like a shill for that station) and Steve Jones (or even the other DJ's) always plays something that you don't hear much or never heard before that is just awesome. Today it was "Hey Grandma" by Moby Grape. And I had just missed "Shake Some Action" by the Flamin' Groovies by a few songs (though I really like their version of Louie, Louie also).