Friday Trivia #44

djberg96 on 2004-11-06T01:28:43

It's Friday Trivia Time! A bit late in the evening, which may be a bit unfair to our European friends, but hey, it's Friday. Perhaps some are up late.

For 50 Trivia Points, who coined the term "virtual reality". Hint - he was at this year's OOPSLA. No Google.

For an additional 200 Trivia Points, what is the name of his band? It's only 25 Trivia Points if you use Google.

Good luck!

PS - I just read the person's demo, and now I feel like an insignificant little bug. Good grief.

Update: dws got the first question and barbie got the second question. 50 Trivia Points for dws, and 25 for barbie!

The answers were "Jaron Lanier" and "Chromatophoria".

Virtual what?

dws on 2004-11-06T06:46:00

Jaron Lanier?

Re:Virtual what?

djberg96 on 2004-11-06T10:13:02


I Googled :(

barbie on 2004-11-08T11:09:29


Having looked him up, I'm now intrigued to see whether I ever did lights or crewed for him. I've done so many Jazz and experimental bands over the last 15 years, its getting hard to remember who I've worked with! Will have to ask the Birmingham Jazz promoter next time I see him.

Re:I Googled :(

djberg96 on 2004-11-08T15:49:32

Good job! A little late, but I'll give it to ya. :)