Today's Rant

djberg96 on 2004-11-04T14:57:20

No, today's rant is not about Solaris, Java, Iraq or the Presidential election. Today's rant is about the gym.

Specifically, old men at the gym. I'm sick and tired of these 60+ men walking around naked in the locker room. For fuck's sake, you are old and fat. You are not hot. Not even close. Do you really think you're impressing the other guys in the locker room? You're gross. Ick.

You have no chance with that twenty-something you've been creepily staring at. And don't think you're fooling anybody by sitting in the jacuzi all damned day (which accomplishes nothing, by the way). We know you're only there to stare at the women.

And that speedo (and yes, I have seen guys wearing them) is just wrong dude. Give it up.

Other amusing tidbits - sorority girls who wear their letters on their ass, people who talk on cellphones while 'working out' and, of course, the posers.