Pentagon strike conspiracy?

djberg96 on 2004-09-11T15:28:28

Here's an interesting conspiracy theory bit regarding the strike on the Pentagon on 9/11.

This is interesting, but it contradicts itself in some ways. If it was a commuter jet, it could not have caused the damage that it did. The damage is also inconsistent with missle damage.

Oh, it plays some music in the background, so turn down the speakers if at work.

Not quite a theory

petdance on 2004-09-12T01:54:26

It's not really a theory yet. If the 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, what did? And then where's the 757?

Re:Not quite a theory

djberg96 on 2004-09-12T02:15:01

Yeah, that's another pretty serious flaw with this conspiracy theory. Maybe aliens are involved.

Pentagon theories

kjones4 on 2004-09-12T02:03:15

I can't vouch for the source, but the article below discusses the Pentagon strike on 9/11 and comes up with a very reasonable sounding explanation for the way things turned out. The strongest pieces of evidence IMHO are the consistent eyewitness accounts and that there were pieces of the 757 recovered.

Re:Pentagon theories

djberg96 on 2004-09-12T02:32:29

Good article that I think sums up the flaws nicely. One thing that isn't touched on is, what the hell would the motive be anyway?

Re:Pentagon theories

pudge on 2004-09-15T01:38:55


Here's a question: what would be U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson's motivation for going along -- for nearly three years -- with a faked story about his wife's death? His wife, Barbara Olson, died on Flight 77. She called her husband from the plane right before she died.

Well, unless you believe the aliens thing.