On drinking liquid nitrogen

djberg96 on 2004-08-19T13:53:39

Liquid nitrogen, it's not just for breakfast any more! Story here.

Dangerously close to a Darwin Award winner...

Injesting LN

brian_d_foy on 2004-08-19T15:08:49

I ran across that story yesterday while reading LiveJournal and figured it was an urban myth, but I think it's the same story referenced in a medical discussion I found by googling "ingesting liquid nitrogen". It seems some kid thought it was paste and ate it.

Re:Injesting LN

jdavidb on 2004-08-19T19:30:17

Where did you read about someone thinking it was paste?

I got a kick out of this school experiment gone awry, having been given a black-eye and injuries requiring stiches in fifth grade by a wooden bowling pin in some silly P.E. game. Maybe it's not good to always follow your teachers' instructions...

Re:Injesting LN

brian_d_foy on 2004-08-19T20:13:25

Oh, the paste comment was my own, based on the old joke about the one kid in class who had to put everything in his mouth.

Re:Injesting LN

jdavidb on 2004-08-19T20:36:11

Oh, okay. :)