Why the Lucky Stiff and Java

djberg96 on 2004-07-29T05:20:15

From Why's Poignant Guide:

At my local Barnes and Noble, there is a huge wall of Java books just waiting to tip over and crush me one day. And one day it will. At the rate things are going, one day that bookcase will be tall enough to crush us all. It might even loop the world several times, crushing previous editions of the same Java books over and over again.
The notion that Java is crushing the IT industry is how I feel most days.

maybe ...

tinman on 2004-07-29T18:05:23

getting a lot of press doesn't necessarily equate to popularity. Do you feel like Windows is crushing the IT industry too ? surely not ?

In their own little niches, other languages thrive and prosper. Yes, even Ruby (I umm, prefer Perl myself, but to each his own ;) I used to worry about it all the time myself (when I didn't know Java as well as I probably do now, I worried a lot more). Now, it's just another tool. Sometimes, I use it because my then-employers dictated I do so. But it's just a tool in the toolbox to me.