Friday Trivia #42

djberg96 on 2004-07-23T18:27:43

It's Friday Trivia Time! I know, it's been a long time. I was saving question 42 for some incredibly cool Douglas Adams type question. Unfortunately, I was too lazy to go back and read any of his stuff since the last question so you're stuck with this one.

Ok, Matrix fans, this one is for you (and hopefully I didn't ask this one already - my memory is shot). As you know, the Keanu Reeves character Neo is always addressed as "Mr. Anderson" by Agent Smith.

For 25 Trivia Points, what is Mr. Anderson's first name? (and no, it's not "Neo").

No Google! Good luck!

Update: Limbic_Region got it. 25 Trivia Points for Limbic_Region!

Wasn't this on one of the DVDs

Limbic Region on 2004-07-23T19:21:15

hunt the white rabbit or something - been a while since I watched any of them but the name's Thomas

Re:Wasn't this on one of the DVDs

djberg96 on 2004-07-24T00:52:35
