I, Terminator?

djberg96 on 2004-07-05T19:30:54

I saw my first preview of I, Robot recently. Ugh. It's been a long time, but I remember the book being a somewhat low-key detective mystery with a sci-fi angle. The movie, however, looks like some whacked out version of Terminator: Rise of the Machines.

Yep, they turned it into an action flick.

Update: It has been pointed out to me that I was confusing I, Robot with Caves of Steel. Time to make a run to the bookstore. :)

Your *first* preview?

merlyn on 2004-07-05T19:41:51

How many more times do you expect to preview it? And why?

Re:Your *first* preview?

djberg96 on 2004-07-05T21:09:38

Huh? I saw it as a preview when I went to see Spider Man 2. It was the first time I saw it. Hence FIRST PREVIEW.

Wrong book

jmm on 2004-07-05T21:20:32

It's been a long time, but I remember the book being a somewhat low-key detective mystery with a sci-fi angle.

You're thinking of "Caves of Steel", the first book about Elijah Bailey and R Daneel Olivaw.

"I, Robot" was a collection of short stories revolving around Asimov's 3 laws of robotics. Each story pushed the limits of those laws in one direction or another. (There was also a book "The Rest of the Robots" which had some additional short stories.) There were a few characters that appeared in more than one of those stories - Dr. Susan Calvert was the first robo-psychocologist and studied the "problem" in a number of the stories.

There were instances of robots attacking humans (or appearing to) in some of the stories - since that was impossible (by Law 1) the story resolved around figuring out what was really going on. So, the movie might still be true to the stories (or whichever subset of the stories that it is portraying).

One of the stories later got expanded into an full book and then a movie "The Bi-Centenial Man". I never saw the movie, so I can't comment on how well it followed the book. The book expansion was coauthored by Robert Silverberg.

Re:Wrong book

djberg96 on 2004-07-05T22:56:50

Holy Asimov, you're right! Checking my bookshelf again, it appears that I *never actually read I, Robot*. It was Caves of Steel and a couple others I was thinking of.

Re:Wrong book

zatoichi on 2004-07-06T02:29:26

I made the same mistake. "The Caves of Steel" probably would make the better movie though.

Re:Wrong book

rafael on 2004-07-06T07:17:37

And there are a gazillion sequels already written, up to the end of the Fundation Cycle...

Re:Wrong book

pudge on 2004-07-07T06:11:11

I wrote a song called Caves of Steel some years ago, and am working (from the original MIDI file I used way back then) on re-doing it, for kicks. I am about halfway done with redoing the music, then I just need to add the vocals and vocoder.