Latest on TORA

djberg96 on 2004-07-02T16:00:56

There's a new dev release of TORA out! Hooray! Rumors of its demise were, apparently, greatly exaggerated.

I'm not entirely certain, but it appears that Henrik will continue to work on TORA, even while working for Quest Software, albeit under a new set of restrictions.

I'm not entirely clear what the relationship is with TOAD and TORA. Will TORA be Quest software's official product line on *nix? Will it eventually be replaced by a cross-platform TOAD? Who knows?

Update: Link fixed. Oh, and I forgot to mention that TORA appears to support MySQL, too.

Bad link there for TORA

jordan on 2004-07-02T20:48:17

But, you provided enough context for me to easily get to the real link.

Re:Bad link there for TORA

djberg96 on 2004-07-03T01:05:45

Whoops, fixed. Thanks.