#solaris is dead

djberg96 on 2004-06-21T22:05:00

A while back I moaned about the state of #solaris on freenode. Everyone once in a great while I get desperate and go back there for help with something.

I think it's been months since I was there last, but today I went to visit #solaris because I'm having trouble with the openssl package from blastwave. That was a mistake.

The channel has deteriorated severely. It is now nothing but an insult-fest, led by two of the channel ops - insomnia (Katherine Loux I believe) and neominder (unknown). It's ridiculous. This is not a case of someone having a bad day and going off once in a while - this is SOP. The folks in #freenode weren't too helpful either, unfortunately.

So, my goal now is to have channel ops removed from these two clowns. I'm also going to contact Sun Microsystems and see if I can find a manager willing to hang out on #solaris for a few days and perhaps consider if they want to continue Katherine's employment.

Well then

NeoMinder on 2004-07-15T04:30:05

Maybe you just have no sense of humor man. We help a ton of people everyday, and a lot of people who come into the channel stay around after we help them just to hang out.