Tennis anyone?

djberg96 on 2004-06-06T16:58:24

Tired of hearing about how Reagan won the Cold War for the 800th time, I decided to flip to the French Open. I'm glad I did, because I think I witnessed one of the more bizarre and intense tennis matches I've ever seen.

I joined just after the 3rd set. Coria was up 2 sets to 1, but appeared to be suffering from cramps. He took a medical timeout and it appeared that he might withdraw. There was debate as to whether or not this was a ploy to break Gaudio's inertia. But no, it was clear that he was suffering from something though he continued on, losing the 4th set badly. However, by the time the 5th set was played it appeared that Coria had recovered from whatever was ailing him. His opponent, Gaudio, appeared to be psychologically frazzled by this and often missed easy shots.

In the end? Well, I won't ruin it in case anyone is saving this match on their TIVO? :)