If you're in a rush and can't find any GUI interface for your favorite database engine, you can use this. I had to do this for a Sybase database I suddenly realized we needed to connect to (proxy code removed to protect the guilty). Enjoy! ;)
my $user = "user";
my $pass = "XXX";
my $db = "db";
my $vendor = "Oracle"; # or whatever
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$vendor:$db",
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title("DSSI"); # Dan's super simple interface
my $top_frame = $mw->Frame;
my $middle_frame = $mw->Frame;
my $bottom_frame = $mw->Frame;
my $editor = $middle_frame->Scrolled("Text"); $editor->pack(-side=>"top");
my $submit_button = $top_frame->Button(
$submit_button->pack(-side=>"right", -anchor=>"e");
my $exit_button = $bottom_frame->Button(-text=>"Exit",-command=>\&exit_app);
my $ml = $middle_frame->Scrolled("MListbox");
$ml->pack(-side=>"bottom",-expand=>"nsew", -anchor=>"w", -fill=>"both");
$top_frame->pack(-side=>"top"); $middle_frame->pack(-side=>"top");
sub execute_sql{
my $sql = $editor->get("1.0","end");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $n = 0;
my $row = 1;
my @columns;
while(my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
if($n == 0){
@columns = keys(%$rec);
foreach my $col(@columns){
my @values = values(%$rec);
sub exit_app{
Re:Cool, although...
runrig on 2004-06-03T22:10:17
To see column names even with no rows:sub execute_sql{
my $sql = $editor->get("1.0","end");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
foreach my $col(@{ $sth->{NAME_uc} }){
my $row = 1;
while(my $rec = $sth->fetch){
$ml->insert("end",[$row++, @$rec]);
}Re:Cool, although...
djberg96 on 2004-06-03T22:27:00
Yah, that's better. Well, if I had spent 5 extra minutes, I would have cleaned that up.:) Re:Cool, although...
runrig on 2004-06-03T22:34:57
...also, I'd take out the 'finish' since all rows are being fetched. Though I'd also add another data field to allow the user to only fetch the first N rows...in which case I'd leave in the 'finish'. Since I don't know Tk, it may take me more than five minutes:-)