Fuck CD-R's

djberg96 on 2004-04-22T20:59:50

A recent slashdot story, as well as things I've heard on my own, confirm that CD-R's are worthless shit.

This especially pisses me off because a short PBS special hosted by my now-deceased grandfather that I recorded from video to mpeg format and stored on CD is now fucked. In fact, ALL THREE of the copies I made are fucked. This wouldn't be too bad except that no one in the family can find the original video tape now.

I'm going to have to see if I can find someone to restore the file. I mean, it's all there but it always locks in the same place no matter which player I use.

The moral of the story is - always use CD-RW, even if it costs more. About the only thing I'll use my remaining CD-R's for are mp3 compilations which I won't be exceptionally upset about losing since I own all the original (i.e. store-bought) CD's anyway.

slashdot story?

WebDragon on 2004-04-26T21:28:42

wheres the link? I tried searching slashdot for the story but couldn't find it. :(

Re:slashdot story?

djberg96 on 2004-04-28T03:35:15

I've added the link to original post.

http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/04/22/1658251&mode=thread&tid=137&tid= 198