
djberg96 on 2004-04-11T16:26:47

I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to do one of two things - either start my own magazine or start my own consulting company.

Regarding the former, I thought about starting a "Ruby User's Guide", ala TPJ. However, I don't know that Ruby by itself could survive so well. TPJ had problems and is only quarterly. My idea is to create a "Scripting Language Solutions" type of magazine, which would be Perl, Python, Ruby and PHP all rolled into one. Too diverse? I don't know, but at least I could keep it monthly that way. Should I try to join forces with TPJ? That's another thought.

Regarding the latter, my initial idea was a consulting company that specialized in Ruby solutions. I figured I would focus on Solaris and /or Windows, since I've become fairly familiar with both of them over the years. I also thought of broadening it to folks who are experts at the big scripting languages (again PPRP).

My *main* issue with both is this - I don't have a clue where to begin. How do I get sponsors for a magazine? How do I setup contacts for a consulting company? How do I *sell* my idea?

Thoughts welcome.

TPJ quarterly?

merlyn on 2004-04-11T16:39:27

TPJ is now monthly... has been since being revived. Either that, or I'm writing 3 times as many columns as necessary. {grin}


shanko on 2004-04-16T21:26:34

Great men think alike ! I think a magazine for scripting languages is a great idea !! Go for it ...