My ears are ringing

djberg96 on 2004-04-10T12:08:13

Lately I seem to be experiencing a fairly constant ringing in my ears. This is annoying. So, I looked "ringing in the ears" up on Google.

It could be ear wax buildup. It could also be that I've been listening to music too loudly (I tend to do that in the car). But it can also be caused by *excessive caffeine*.

Yikes. Another reason to cut back.


chaoticset on 2004-04-10T15:34:28

I had the strangest experience the other day. A noise in my left ear, not a ringing but a beating, as if a hummingbird was inside my ear.

It went away after a few minutes but I was genuinely concerned at first.


djberg96 on 2004-05-02T15:09:12

I think I've actually had that happen a couple times, though not for a long time. But yeah, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're talking about.


mary.poppins on 2004-04-11T11:33:18

Anti-malarial drugs can have the same effect.
They're probably not your problem, though. :)


djberg96 on 2004-04-11T15:02:09

Heh. It can also be caused by aspirin and loud music. I'm actually starting to suspect my computer, because I think it puts out a high-pitched whine which may be annoying my ears worse than I think.


shanko on 2004-04-16T22:20:20

This happens to me all the time and I accidently found out that it is not really ringing in the ears. Have you tried pluging your ears when it is really silent (usually at 1 am) ? If the ringing increases then it is what I am describing ...


Dom2 on 2004-04-12T13:43:07

is the name you seek.
