Production Support and newborns

djberg96 on 2004-01-20T20:59:00

My cube neighbor and his wife just had their first baby this week (congrats!). When I asked him about being frazzled for the first week, he said that having been in production support for a long time prepared him for this - it's just like being on-call. I got a laugh out of that. Consider:

The application (baby) needs attention (woke up) because it has gone down (needs food) and a page (cries) has been sent. The primary on-call person (wife) must then attend to the application (baby) and get it working again (feed) until it is stabilized (asleep). The backup on-call person (husband) must be available during this time as well. Once the application has become more stable (bottle vs breast feeding), the primary and backup may switch positions from time to time.


perhaps you should

hfb on 2004-01-20T22:18:22

get him this book :)

Re:perhaps you should

djberg96 on 2004-01-21T19:23:42

Thanks for the suggestion. He likes it. :)