SF, donations and charity

djberg96 on 2004-01-08T16:03:52

I just noticed that you can set your SourceForge projects to opt-in for paypal donations. That's cool. I've set all of mine up to accept donations (hey, I'm not above begging) and I'll probably donate to the gaim and tora projects, easily the two most used open source projects for me (at least, of those with a SourceForge page).

Interestingly, you can specify that a certain percentage of any donations which you receive be sent to specific charities (FSF, OSI, etc). Although the Python Foundation is listed, neither the Perl nor Ruby foundations are. Time to get those added to the list. Perhaps Python actually has its own sourceforge page? Should Perl?

Anyway, here's to hoping that the dough starts rolling in...yeah, right.