I've been looking at the GeekCruise stuff. Man, I'd really like to go, but no way is the company paying for it. The company debt is down....to a measley 21.3 billion dollars, but they aren't gonna pony up for such a thing.
Ah, well. I love the ports of call, though I wonder what the ratio of men to women would be. Is it ridiculous or actually balanced? Or is it mostly married folks anyway? Well, I'll never know.
taking a cruise during the month of Ramadan to one of the most Islamic and militant parts of the world. I don't know that it'll be any less crazy next year in Turkey. One big boat with hi-tech nerds from the Linux, MySQL and Perl scene?
And, considering there's so many single women who hang around geek enclaves, do you think listing the cruise as 'sail with nerds' will really draw all the hot chicks who want to see the mediterranean?...probably not