All I have to say is "wow". They have made some serious improvements in this puppy. I actually went through a couple (though not all) of the tutorials this time around. Very very nice. I'm seriously considering dropping some bucks for a home version and/or asking for a license for work. Unfortunately, the Solaris version is still in Beta and only works for 2.6 and 2.8. I guess I could live with a Windows version
My only real complaint is the CVS "integration". I use the term loosely because, on Windows at least, getting cvs to work requires putty, pscp, pageant and puttygen. You must set up password-less connections by setting up public and private keys, then copying your public key to the remote CVS server. The whole thing is a pain. Anyway, it ought to work in theory but in practice, as any SourceForge user knows, you can't login to the cvs server (without getting kicked immediately anyway), nor can you copy the public key over. Thus, you can't get at your checked in files on SourceForge. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I would rather they did what (I think) Eclipse does - store your password internally and send it to the CVS server as needed.
Oh, and the startup time could be significantly improved. But other than *that*, very slick application.
Or something like that - the details are | ssh "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
Re:Getting keys to sourceforge
djberg96 on 2003-09-23T23:47:48
I tried that but it didn't seem to work. There's no way to actually tell since I can't login. But, it appears that chromatic's post has the answer.In any case I still prefer the approach used by Eclipse.
The logged-in user page has a link to manage SSH keys. You just have to copy and paste them into a web form and wait six hours for all of the servers to synchronize.
Re:Solaris support
djberg96 on 2003-09-24T01:24:35
Oh, really? Cool - I'll give the beta a shot on my Solaris 9 box tomorrow then. I suppose I should sign up as a tester.:) As for Solaris 2.5, we have a few machines around, but nothing anyone uses as a desktop. Personally, I think it ought to be purged from the company.