new computer, interrupted

djberg96 on 2003-08-30T11:17:19

Well, that POS that I bought is going back to the store this morning. The problems began almost immediately when certain applications would run in a very jerky fashion (especially games). Between the kruft in XP, the kruft provided by HP and Norton AV kruft, there was just too much kruft. I tried removing Norton (a cure worse than the disease IMO), but to no avail.

So I said, "fuck it" and thought I would be smart and install Win2k on it instead. There was something I hadn't considered though - integrated ethernet. Win2k wouldn't even see the ethernet port. Checking the HP site (with my laptop) I could see that there was NO driver for anything other than Windows XP. I also tried Suse Linux 8.0 as well - no luck.

To top it all off they didn't even bother to include a Windows XP restore CD. So, they're getting back their hardware with Suse Linux 8.0 installed.

That'll teach me to ever buy a prefabbed system again.


jdavidboyd on 2003-08-30T14:45:27

Didn't understand what you were speaking of at first, as I took POS to mean "Point Of Sale".
Then I realized it meant "Piece of ....", and it all became clear!

POS indeed

jhorwitz on 2003-08-30T15:18:21

Most people I know who bought an HP desktop have taken them back due to major failures of some sort. You'd think they'd learn a thing or two about building a PC from Compaq.