Want, Want, Want

djberg96 on 2003-06-16T13:49:54

It's been 7 months and folks are talking about method chaining, so it's time to advertise Want.pm again:

use Want; if(want("OBJECT")){ return $self; } else{ return $value; } If you're planning on supporting method chaining, you'd best be using this module. Two warnings though: it causes the debugger to crash and it doesn't get along with the overload module.

-w and v-strings

Juerd on 2003-06-16T16:10:55

Want used to be a required module for Attribute::Properties, but Want is not -w safe.

"require v5.6" should be "require 5.006" to make it -w safe.

And I think the module is too large. Perlhaps some autoloading technique can be used.

2;0 juerd@ouranos:~$ perl -le'print +(split " ", `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22]'
2;0 juerd@ouranos:~$ perl -le'use Want; print +(split " ", `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22]'