Friday Trivia #37

djberg96 on 2003-05-30T14:43:26

It's Friday Trivia Time! Time for a little computer-geek trivia.

Most of us know the expression, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."

For 10 Trivia Points, who originally said this?

No Google. Good luck.

Update: ziggy got it! 10 Trivia Points for ziggy!

Answer: C.A.R. Hoare

Well theres a turn up for the books

barbie on 2003-05-30T15:17:58

I used to work with his son Ben at GEC in Coventry many years ago. At least if its the answer I think it is. Bit of a bright spark, wonder what he's doing these days. Ben that is, as I think his dad is still lecturing at Oxford. Time for a Friends Reunited lookup this evening :)

Full quote

ziggy on 2003-05-30T15:24:18

I believe the full quote is Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming.

Originally stated by C. A. R. Hoare, and popularized by Donald E. Knuth.

Re:Full quote

djberg96 on 2003-05-30T15:57:00

You are correct sir. Congrats!

Re:Full quote

barbie on 2003-05-30T17:41:20

I don't remember him for the quote, but I do remember him for quicksort (or qsort as it was referred by programmers). It was quite a while before Ben drop that little tidbit into conversation. Respect was due, and I do remember him getting rather drunk as a consequence. Probably why he told us :)