Java you pig!

djberg96 on 2003-05-15T20:11:20

Here's the result of a top command I ran on one of the boxes our group is responsible for monitoring. User names changed to protect the guilty: last pid:202;load averages: 0.58,0.49,0.41, 14:55:22 61 processes: 60 sleeping, 1 on cpu CPU states: % idle, % user, % kernel, % iowait, % swap Memory: 4096M real, 73M free, 1026M swap free

PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME CPU COMMAND 2087 foo 25 59 0 528M 441M sleep 795:52 5.60% java 29662 foo 23 58 0 523M 432M sleep 51:22 3.21% java 202 foo 1 0 0 1776K 1672K cpu4 0:00 0.47% top 501 root 5 59 -5 8048K 5008K sleep 136:58 0.22% cdagent 585 root 1 58 0 5992K 4064K sleep 50:00 0.06% scopeux 172 foo 1 48 0 1720K 1320K sleep 0:00 0.05% ksh 2053 foo 24 59 0 381M 153M sleep 23:30 0.05% java 665 root 8 58 0 11M 6376K sleep 7:59 0.04% alarmgen 4353 foo 24 59 0 506M 129M sleep 9:38 0.02% java 2031 foo 18 59 0 376M 114M sleep 11:10 0.02% java 479 root 9 58 0 10M 6184K sleep 13:41 0.01% jre 6186 root 12 58 0 3152K 2920K sleep 3:42 0.01% mibiisa 630 root 10 0 0 11M 5728K sleep 6:13 0.00% rep_server
Look at that - 4gb of RAM and it's almost used up.