Design Patterns

djberg96 on 2003-05-04T21:05:52

I ordered Design Patterns today because I heard that, like, all the cool kids on the block had one.


Dom2 on 2003-05-04T22:12:30

I did likewise a few years back. It's an interesting book, but hard going for people who aren't used to C++ and Smalltalk.

You might want to look at Martin Fowler's Refactoring if you're looking at stuff in that area.



pdcawley on 2003-05-05T04:58:35

Refactoring's a great book, but if you really want to see a book that shows the power of Design Patterns as a way of expressing ideas in an easy to grasp fashion, and which assumes dynamic objects (which makes a huge difference), I can highly recommend Kent Beck's Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns.