Is there a way to put a watch on someone else's entry (assuming comments are enabled)? There are times when I don't post any replies myself, but I'm interested in seeing what other folks have to say over time.
Sometimes I forget about a thread - generally out of sight (on my web browser) is out of mind, so if the user makes several new entries the original post no longer fits on my screen.
Anyone else interested in such a feature? Or does it already exist?
Oh yeah. As a use.perl junkie, I've wanted that feature a thousand times.
djberg96 on 2003-01-31T18:35:50
Well, I've sent pudge an email requesting that feature. We'll see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed.Re:+1
belg4mit on 2003-01-31T18:52:06
FWIW pudge prefers feature requests to go through the slash code site on sourceforge.Re:+1
djberg96 on 2003-01-31T20:34:43
Heh - my email bounced anyway I think. I'll put in a request at the sourceforge site.