Had a great time at the GPW. Met lots of interesting folks, saw some good talks (although probably didnt understand as much of them as I should given my crappy German skills), and had fun hanging out and meeting some of the people who I only know through the internet.
My talk went pretty well, it probably could be improved some, but considering it was the first time Ive presented to an audience of that size, (about 80-100 people I guess) I think it went just fine.
Annoyingly there are still some bugs in the Perl5 regex engine so a few things that should have worked didnt, but well thats life.
I probably shouldn't have drunk so much on the second day. I passed the point of being able to say no to more alcohol, and just might have made a fool out of myself blabbing on about my days as a courier in london...
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the next perl gathering and hanging out with folks some more.
Cheers to the GPW organizers for doing a great job, and to eveyrbody that participated.
Not in my opinion. But then I might be not much of an gauge for foolishness, as I have agreed to wear an orange mohawk during YAPC::Europe...
Anyway, I enjoyed the evening, though getting up next day was kind of hard...
Re: fool
demerphq on 2007-02-26T10:38:35
Heh, merely/surviving/ the next day was kinda hard.
Im looking forward to seeing your mohawk, but I hope this doesnt mean you are going to lose your dreads?Re: fool
domm on 2007-02-26T18:18:47
Oh yes, I'm going to loose my dreads (at least partly). I had them for 8+ years and they can get quite annoying (especially in summer, or after washing them).
My plan to cut of my dreads was one of the reasons we (Vienna.pm) offered the organisers hair-do as an auction item. BTW, we were expecting something like a mohawk, and the color wasn't a big surprise, either
:-) I'm still not sure whether I cut em all off, or leave some in the middle (for the mohawk), or leave some at the base of my skull (for the mohawk and for later hair-dos). But there's some time left to decide on that