new js. konq says ouch!

ddick on 2007-10-05T01:35:43

viewing a journal and descending into the comments has become a pretty horrible experience at least using the default konqueror on suse 10.0 (konq 3.4.2 (Using KDE 3.4.2 Level "b" SUSE 10.0)). Journal pages with comments often completely refresh when you descend through the comments and sometimes lose track of which comment you are viewing. Just thought i would mention it.


fireartist on 2007-10-05T09:05:12

Fine - I've no right to complain when I've never contributed (to slashcode in this case), but how annoying is it to find that a site I'd previously visited several times a day, no longer works?

I need to click a link and load a new page to read every individual reply?
Did anyone think about usability?
I don't enable JavaScript for sites with publicly-contributed content, so I'm screwed?

I try unticking "I am willing to help test Slashdot's New Discussion System", and press Submit - the page reloads with no obvious changes.

I try enabling the Preferences -> Homepage -> Simple Design option - hoorah! - it makes the pages readable again, though with a nasty glaring white background.

Well, what would a morning be without a little drama?
Moving on again...


wirebird on 2007-10-08T14:04:42

Me three. Hurrah for Firefox's Web Developer add-on: control-shift-S and the b0rken stylesheet goes away. It's not quite as purty anymore, but it also doesn't have overlapping everything.