The Vampire Slayer Slayer

davorg on 2003-01-14T14:52:20

I hope there's no truth in this story from today's Guardian.

Into each generation, a slayer is born. And this time round he would appear to be Leslie Moonves, chief executive of the US television behemoth CBS, who has dismayed legions of devoted supporters of the forces of good in their battle against the bloodthirsty undead by announcing the probable demise of the cult series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
" Buffy set to bite the dust"

I hope there is!

Magnus on 2003-01-14T15:21:17

7 seasons of Buffy is about the right amount.

I hope there is another spin-off, or movies, or whatever, but an 8th season would overcook the goose, I think.


ziggy on 2003-01-14T15:40:03

There are rumors over here that SMG wants out of the series to go onto other projects. An 8th season of Buffy without Buffy is difficult to envision.

Tsk tsk!

gnat on 2003-01-14T16:16:00

You haven't been reading your whedonesque, have you? Ziggy is right--SMG's contract is up and she's apparently ready to pursue a movie career. They've talked about spin-offs, but personally I'd be surprised if Buffy continued in any form. Boy, who'd have thought after episode 1 of Angel that in three years it'd be the only Mutant Enemy show?!

Personally, I can take it stopping. I mean, I wish that everything from "Buffy goes to university" through the end of "Buffy's back from the dead and she's unhappy" had been more fun, but that's the way it goes. I prefer to look to the future: I loved Firefly and I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing Joss Whedon does is a movie. Directing. He has some painful stories about being only a writer in Hollywood.


Re:Tsk tsk!

jjohn on 2003-01-15T03:28:42

I seemed to be cured of my Buffy infection. I watched a whole lot of Buffy in a short period of time. I'd say that the show should have ended with season 5: a heroic death of the Buffster. Seasons 6 + 7 have been too melodramic for me and the sparkling dialog seems to have dulled. The show clicked for me when it was about high school, but it lost it's punch during the college years. I realize a popular aspect of the show is all about Grrl Pwrrr! but after 5 seasons, I got that message already. Grrls really are people too.

Still, I'm glad I took the time to watch the series. Good stuff: memorable characters, cathardic pugilism, and the ineffably intoxicating Alyson "I'm marrying a guy 9 years older than me" Hannigan. Oo-Ga! It's no Farscape though (a show about the trials and tribulations of early adulthood rather than adolescence), but what is? ;-)

Re:Tsk tsk!

chromatic on 2003-01-15T18:31:52

I thought Farscape was about the triumph of the superman over the lazy and/or decadent bourgeouis. Crichton and Scorpius are much more sympathetic if you analyze them that way.

Re:Tsk tsk!

jjohn on 2003-01-18T14:26:34

I thought Farscape was about the triumph of the superman over the lazy and/or decadent bourgeouis. Crichton and Scorpius are much more sympathetic if you analyze them that way.

Ah, but who is the Superman and who is the bourgeouis? ;-)

Re:Tsk tsk!

pudge on 2003-01-24T16:15:57


Re:Tsk tsk!

gnat on 2003-01-15T20:57:31

The season that's underway in the US is a return to the fine Buffy form of old. I'm enjoying it much more than the last few (last year, I was wondering whether I would continue watching, the season was such a downer).

The characters and actors are good, but the dialogue is just brilliant. Joss Whedon could write a shopping list and it'd crackle with wit.
