Buy More Books

davorg on 2002-10-04T10:24:31

Yesterday I got my royalty statement for sales of Data Munging with Perl in the first six months of 2002. It's clear to me that not enough of you have been buying the book. How many copies have you bought? Surely you need more. And don't forget that christmas is coming and it makes a perfect gift for all of your friends and family.


koschei on 2002-10-04T11:13:35

I believe you mean here (one fewer 'n's).

I'm liking Manning as a publisher. with your book, and (all but one of) the others they have published, and with Japhy's RE book (whenever he gets it done), they're really shaping up to have a quality Perl line. Few other publishers have such a ratio of hits/misses.

Almost makes me want to write a book for them =)

Er, three...

2shortplanks on 2002-10-04T11:13:42

One for home, one for the office and one as a birthday gift. I was toying with buying the digital version but eugh...pdf.

You are talking to the wrong crowd here

mir on 2002-10-04T12:08:21

I mean, we all know about your book, thanks to your incessing shameless plugs ;--) so either we already bought it (I bought the print AND pdf version) and liked it or we won't.
Seriously, my guess is that the only people who know that Manning publishes great Perl books are probably members of the "core" Perl community, people who attend conferences, participate in Perl Monger groups, read use Perl and PerlMonks etc... which is maybe 10 000 people worldwide, who can't buy every Perl book available, not matter how much they'd like to.
For the rest of the potential market O'Reilly books probably have enough brand recognition to stand out, but other books have to compete with the myriads of "teach yourself Perl in 21 easy lessons of 7 days each for dumbasses" that stuff technical bookstore shelves.
I guess with time and more and more people recommending Manning books the situation will improve, you're just unlucky to be amongst their first authors (now that should make you feel better!).

what's more depressing...

geoff on 2002-10-04T12:37:39

we get our statements monthly. there's nothing quite like seeing your returns and sales on equal footing, even knowing (hoping?) it's not representative.

and yes, everyone ought to buy more books :)

better buzzword: _mining_

dc2000 on 2002-10-14T16:23:38

Perhaps you could re-release it as
Data Mining with Perl.
More buzzword compliant.